Friday, August 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
"Good Night and Good Luck."
The Hobbit will not be in production this year. My visa runs out in February so I won't be working on the film. My painting work got wet sacked and I have no income. I'm almost out of money and after exhausting my options one door is left--to cross the pacific again, back home. Now, this moment and recovery in true story fashion…it had to be done.
“He stood face to face with the forceful fact and bowed gracefully…. it was a moment to be paid…An experience of differences for the boy to leave the table after dumping every chip into the center. Abruptly, it was done. Gasps were heard from those watching the game. He turned and walked away in unbelief for hours--hands empty. He walked long strided. Even so, as he walked, his lips pulled apart ever so slightly with a thought smiled so faint no one could see it but the ground blurrily rushing by; for defeat had not yet caught a glimpse of the boy’s future…so breathing, he let the moment pass over him into the sea and stopped to stand there still. His eyes were fiery approaching a black hallway marked to exit. He imagined the warm brass of the knob in his hand and walked forward..….steady boy, steady.”
--Author unknown. (Haha.)
check checked me--
Saturday, July 17, 2010
"Last Rounds."

Thursday, July 15, 2010
"It's a Sign."