Sunday, March 21, 2010
Oswald Diefenbaker was a German rat; somber, forced to move two villages down because of his mother’s new marriage. Oswald could not stand his step brother, Harry, a most obnoxious brand. Harry broke everything that he touched and treated nothing with value, just such the nature of a spoiled rodent. Oswald’s step-father approached him shortly after dinner one night in a foul mood. “Harry has show and tell tomorrow and wants to take your red car,” he blurted vehemently. “So, he’ll need it all day tomorrow.” Oswald stood there rigid. “Oswald. Oswald!” his stepfather shouted. The red car was Oswald’s only treasure, the only possession he held up high to the sun for joy. Oswald quickly snapped out of it and ran out the back door and into the grove across form the pond two bushes away. He lay there on his side right at the edge of his favorite oak on a small slab of granite, staring. Oswald thought of Harry’s ungrateful grubby hands smearing chocolate and grape jelly all over his precious car and then that harsh raspy laugh as he slams it to the ground, breaking into a million pieces. The words “He’ll need it all day…” reverberated like an empty gym in his head. Oswald clutched the red car tight and with a gleam in his eye...he slowly pulled it closer and let out a soft whisper, “Never."

"Yes, Toxic, but You’ll be Fine."
a. Don’t worry about it, you have another one
b. Ask one of your work mates to give you theirs
c. Fill out a complaint and get back to work
d. Call the hospital and get picked up immediately
Absurd. Anyway, they call us the night before and tell us to be at the Governor’s House at 7:30 am the next morning. Oh yea and they didn’t give us many details. We show up and go through some more paperwork. They take us into a trailer and I seriously thought we were going into chemical warfare. John, our headman said, “Here, you’ll need this, this and this…” I glanced at Scott trying to keep a smile crept back. We walked out of that trailer in full body suits with hood, hardhat, eye gear, rubber gloves that came up past our elbows, reflective vests, and steel toed boots 2 sizes too big. I couldn’t look at Scott while we took the tour of the place, afraid I was going to bust into full giggle as we marshmallowed along behind our supervisor trying to pay attention. Our job was basically stripping paint using a highly toxic paint stripper that cost 200 dollars a half barrel. I looked at the barrel, which stared back at me through the empty eyes sockets of a large skull and crossbones plastered on the side---POISON. It echoed off the empty rafters above me…I thought, I’m in a cartoon. It was really making me laugh. I looked at Scott and said, “This is going to be an interesting day.” If you got this stuff on your skin it burned like lava, and with all the gear they gave us we didn’t even have respirators, Needless to say we only worked there one day. I’m so glad I had that experience though and since that job I have been able to fly. (I wanted a picture of us so bad, it was ridiculous)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
"Nose Booty."
Alright, so I was on the bus tonight and I lucked out to snag one of the four seats on the bus that faced everyone. Me, Manuel, Scott and Shawn were coming home late from a pub downtown—everyone was pretty docile. So I’m sitting there and this lady right across from me sitting about two rose back jams her finger way the crap up her nose. I mean really is stuffing the turkey. Keep in mind I am looking right at her…Im pretty sure she doesn’t see me and she just goes for it, ringing around in there hard like a cowboy lassoing a dirty hog. She pulls it out, exams it intently…by this point my eyebrows are raised and mouth slightly open, cuz you know I’m interested to see what the fate of this nose gold is going to be…I couldn’t believe it, she sticks it right down in the front of her bottom teeth and starts moving her jaw back and forth like a typewriter munching on this crusty critter. Amazing. Just amazing. The dexterity she had switching that thing from tooth to tooth….impressed, I bowed my head quietly and began to shake with laughter. Truly the night could not have ended any better for me. It was a masterpiece.
"Oh Herro Prease...Welcome to Owhiro Bay"
"Bay Watch"
"Tight Like a Tiger"
Are They Underwear or Shorts?
Well, production has been pushed back again till April, so we are all looking for jobs till then. Scott and Shawn looked at getting construction jobs before production starts but quickly reverted to a “Plan B” after finding out that most construction workers wore hot pants called “stubbies.” I will try my best to get a picture…They are great.
"Team Kill"
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Can You Pick Something Up From the Store?

Monday, March 8, 2010
Mountains, beach, and the city….I did not picture Wellington as having such an active downtown. Seriously it reminded me a lot of Toronto or a miniature New York. It had quite a big feeling to it….busy, engaging, business, food, music, fashion—the streets screamed skinny jeans and euro-mullets. The people are beautiful that’s all I’m going say. I have been stopped in my tracks several times…..yea, there’s a good story but I’m not gonna type it…ill have to tell it in person…sorry
"OK, Hot Dogs are Retarded."
Apparently you’ll be hard pressed to find American style hot dogs here. At first hearing of this I was disheartened, downtrodden even, shuffling my feet, mumbling and bumbling along until....one day a discovery was made, a particular restaurant stand stood like a beacon of light, a lighthouse a-top a steep hill shining its guiding beam upon my hot dog craving----It was "The Brat Pack," downtown that pulled me ashore. They are not hotdogs they are better. Now a regular, I usually get the "cheese kransky,"—it’s a brat with some sort of white cheese melted inside and this kiwi nectar they call “rocket fuel, ” I think its a hallucinogen …well it is fantastic. Extra onions and mustard, yes... I wouldn’t care if I ever had a hot dog again. Why do they exist when you could have one of these? I’m vexed. Terribly vexed.
"Kiwi Kids"
I went on a walk down to the breeze-way by the beach…it felt great and the sun was starting to sleep. This was so strange…I turned around to make my way back and two little girls came straight up to me grinning and said with that adorable kiwi accent, “will you walk with us?” I was looking around—no parents in sight or any adults for that matter. This was something I had noticed earlier---kids running around unsupervised. Anyway, so I smiled completely endeared and told them I’d love to. Their names were Ruby and O. They were twins they explained, O being born six minutes before Ruby. They were beautiful kids. So we walked and talked for awhile…so odd but awesome.
"Mountains that collide with the Sea"

Sunday, March 7, 2010
"The Emperor's New Clothes"
It was February 25th and the moment I stepped off the last plane after traveling across the world in 5 different aircraft and a combined 23 hours of travel time, it hit me with force—I have begun. I was immediately taken a back by an intense warm punch thudding the deep parts of my chest---New Zealand walked right up in my face, gave me a sloppy wet kiss and said, “I’ve been waiting for you.” I said, “ Yes, I’ll take that with extra cheese.” Honestly, I wanted to take it a little slower but so far our relationship has been going faster than I expected with much heavy petting. This place is better than a tailor’s fit. I think I’m naked. Yep…I'm naked.